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1:Between methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol.

ans: ethyl alcohol gives a yellow crystalline precipitate of  iodoform with alkaline iodine solution while methyl alcohol does not.

2: 1-propanol and 2-propanol.

ans: 1-propanol is a primary alcohol and does not react with lucas reagent(ZnCl2/HCl) or only react upon heating. 2-propanol. is secondary alcohol and react with lucas reagent after some time (5 min) to form an alkyl halide which being immiscible in 2-propanol.forms cloudy liquid.

3: diethyl ether and n-butyl alcohol.

ans: n-butyl alcohol reacts with sodium to give bubbles of hydrogen gas due to its OH group.diethyl ether does not react with sodium as it has no OH group.

4: 1-butyne and 2-butyne.  

ans: 1-butyne reacts with ammonical cuprous chloride to form red precipitate but 2-butyne does not have acidic hydrogen hence form no ppt.

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